Archives: blogs

22 December

Good grief, it?s only 3 days until Christmas! How did it come around so quickly? Why didn?t I allow enough time for Christmas shopping? So, like so many of us, you are stuck in a present buying vacuum, unsure, desperate and confused as to what to buy for the most important people in your life. […]

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Wow, the crew at mynatour had quite a heavy “Christmessy” weekend. Maybe you did too? Don?t fear, because there are lots of simple, natural things you can do to ease your way through this season of indulgence. If you?re feeling a bit jaded and bloated, try embracing a nice steaming cup of peppermint tea. Get […]

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20 December

Here at mynatour, we don?t normally condone using needles, but when it comes to yarn, KNITTING ROCKS! A whole new generation of fabric lovers are discovering the green beauty of this age old craft. Knitting clubs, forums and stitch n?drink happenings are breaking out all over the place. After all – it?s flippin? cold right […]

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18 December

It?s the last Sunday before Christmas, so we bet you?ll be having quite a social weekend ahead. Get he party started up nicely with some warming mulled wine. There?s no better way to use up those half empty bottles of wine on the sideboard and raid your cupboards for forgotten ingredients. You can customise your […]

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17 December

“Put another log on the fire for me, I?ll make some breakfast and coffee”, said David Bowie many moons ago. Who doesn?t like a cosy, romantic fire at Christmas – Mr. Scrooge? If you didn’t know already, burning wood is one of the most environmentally friendly ways of heating an individual room or a whole […]

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We all know that a bit of Christmas fun is good for your inner Elf! Picture the scene – your very best friends have come around and you?re all together again. Don?t be complacent and just stare into pace. Get your game on! It?s not cheesy. It?s bold, social and a great laugh. Form an […]

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Wrapping the prezzies….it?s one of the last things we get around to before the big 25th. Damn it, we challenge you to use your imaginations and stop buying those endless rolls of BAD, BAD printed paper. Go mad in your house. Run around naked and see what you can find (use a pine branch or […]

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Wow. It’s that time already. Christmas day is just around the corner. People are getting into the party mood of indulgence. That means eating, eating and more eating. So, if you are planning a communal meal, think about the most energy efficient way to do it. Obviously, cooking for a crowd is a better use […]

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