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Albertinia ? un posto molto carino vicino alla favolosa Garden Route, qui nella provincia pi? occidentale del Sud Africa, ed ? il luogo ideale per visitare la popolare destinazione. ed eccoci qui! La nostra sveglia ? un cinguettante faraona, dopo una notte passata nell’appropriato Guineafowl Guest Resort. Dopo una buona colazione incontriamo Hilton verso le […]

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Solo pochi giorni a Citt? del Capo, non abbiamo tempo da perdere! Il nostro viaggio prevede quasi 6000 km e le tappe sono tante; qui abbiamo incontrato Shaqir e Siviwe, entrambi guide locali, entusiaste del nostro nobile piano. In due giorni Shaqir e Siviwe, a turno, ci hanno fatto visitare il CBd, il distretto degli […]

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The Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 was the biggest natural disaster in modern history and it called for a pan-Asian relief effort on a scale that had never before been seen. The immediate impact on the coastal communities affected not only their lives, homes and villages, but also their livelihoods. Many survivors fished to earn […]

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Another great wake-up in this corner of paradise, my body hurts everywhere, it must be the surfing from yesterday. Today there are still 350km ahead to port Saint Johns but first we have to interview Sean the owner of this wonderful place to learn how is possible to create a good compromise between, environment, tourism […]

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The Bulungula Lodge is situated in Nqileni village (“q” = a click sound) – in “the most beautiful location of any lodge in South Africa”. Here the visitors can enjoy the forest, lagoon, rolling hills, dolphins, whales, you name it. The visitors have even a shooting star guarantee – if you look at the night’s […]

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L’ottava edizione dell’ Hoscar awards , la cerimonia che premia i migliori ostelli nel mondo, si ? tenuta lo scorso gennaio. Sono stati analizzati pi? di 23.000 ostelli nel mondo, elegibili sul sito dagli utenti e dai viaggiatori. I vincitori sono stati selezionati in base ai seguenti 6 criteri: personalit?, sicurezza, divertimento, staff, pulizia […]

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Yesterday evening we arrived at the Buccaneers Lodge and Backpackers resort, just outside of East London, in Chintsa West. Established back in 1983, these guys are considered one of the early pioneers in the South African backpacking industry. After a little confusion over the sleeping arrangements we check in and enjoy an evening meal of […]

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An interesting day was spent in Port Elizabeth, aka Nelson Mandela Bay… But that was the easy part.. Arriving there proved to be a bit of a challenge – in the quest to discover how fuel efficient we are.. ‘someone’ by the time we reached Port Elizabeth, kept insisting that the fuel gauge was ok, […]

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The 8th annual Hoscar awards ceremony took place in January 2009 to recognize the best hostels in the world. Over 23,000 properties from across the globe featured on were eligible for the awards and the prizes were based on approximately 1 million votes given by the Hostelworld customers. The winners adhered to the six […]

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Garden Route SA
25 February

Albertinia is favourably placed near to the fabulous Garden Route here in the Western Province of South Africa, and provides an ideal base for visiting the popular destinations. So here we are! Our wake-up call is provided by the tweeting guinea-fowl after a peaceful night at the appropriately named Guineafowl Guest Resort. After a good […]

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