Archives: blogs

The Eco-Coalition! Today marks the beginning of Responsible Tourism Week (RTW). Responsible Tourism is based on the “golden rule” of treating others the way you would wish to be treated. Think of it as an “eco-conscious coalition” across key media platforms including Facebook, Flickr, Delcious, Slideshare, Twitter and YouTube to help travelers who want their […]

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Sick of the traffic? From google, a new proposal: sustainable routes to get to work by bike! Directly from Goggle, the proposal of living daily mobility in a more sustainable manner for the environment but certainly also healthier for the citizens! Indeed, from today, in 150 American cities, it is possible to choose the best […]

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There is a wonderful land in the Mediterranean, known worldwide as soon as you say the word “mafia”. There’s not much that can be done about that! You can just forget about it and follow your individual path or you can decide to live Sicily in an authentic manner. Of course, we choose the latter: […]

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Visit London’s Oldest Botanic Garden Enjoy the coming of summer at the remarkable setting of London’s oldest Botanic Garden at Chelsea. To coincide with Chelsea Flower Show week (and the lovely longer evenings!), the Physic Garden will be opening till late for the public to enjoy relaxing, after work strolls. Come smell the flowers! Link […]

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Cleaning Up London?s Act Keep your Friday afternoon, so fresh and so green by heading down to the 2010 Capital Clean-up Campaign in Islington. It’s a friendly, family sized waste and recycling themed carnival featuring celebrities, “eco-rock n’ roll” via a solar powered music stage as well as interactive workshops. Enjoy Caribbean food, stroll amongst […]

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Bushfire 2010 will again be bringing you top artists from all over Africa and around the World, ensuring an unforgettable experience at one of the continent’s top live entertainment venues! Bushfire’s “Call to Action” creates a platform not only for the growth and development of the arts but also highlights and raises funds for some […]

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Pronti allo spettacolo dell’aurora boreale e del sole di mezzanotte? Si parte su una slitta trainata da renne con pastori Sami, per avvistare lupi, alci in mezzo ad una natura incantata, fare esperienze indimenticabili in kayak o in canoa! Oppure si pu? montare a bordo di una slitta trainata dai cani per raggiungere l’hotel ghiacciato!Tutto […]

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Summer is nearly here, so what better time to re-energise your tired,overworked wardrobe by popping down to Spitalfields market this Wednesday? It?s a “Swish” event – which means it?s totally eco-friendly, practical and fun – all at once. Just drop off your unwanted shoes, bits of clothing or accessories, then have a cheeky browse through […]

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Qui di seguito inserisco il programma dettagliato dell’incontro culinario il corso si svolger? presso l’ Az. Agricola Montecorno,Loc.Belvedere,3 Desenzano del Gardail giorno 23 Maggio 2010 0re10.00 Presentazione incontro e consegna dispense0re10.30 Visita guidata all?interno del Parco Naturale del Basso Garda Bresciano. Riconoscimento, Osservazione e Raccolta delle Erbe Mangerecce presenti.0re 11.30 Ritorno in Azienda e preparazione […]

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Join London s green give and takeway – 3 days only Here at Mynatour we love recycling and we love bargains – and we’re excited because this week we’ve struck green gold with “Give & Take” at the London’s East End Film Festival Brighten up your week in London over the next 3 days (April […]

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