Archives: blogs

Easter Island
23 October

Sitting alone in its corner of the Polynesian Triangle in the vast expanse of the magnificent Pacific, Easter Island is claimed to be the most remote inhabited island in the world. Most famous for its moai, the 887 monumental statues built by early Rapanui people that watch sternly over the island, the island is of […]

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23 October

Home to one the greatest legends in living memory, Scotland’s Loch Ness encapsulates folk lore, mystery, unimaginable landscapes and even green energy in one amazingly peaceful location. This large, deep, freshwater Loch, found south-westerly of Inverness in the Scottish Highlands, extends for a staggering 23 miles (37km) and reaches an incredible depth of 230m (755 […]

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Oggi ? il giorno in cui si ? coscienti che scendendo dall’albero, dalla casa sull’albero, ci si dirige di nuovo verso la civilt?, verso quei posti dove la natura ha dovuto necessariamente lasciare spazio alla mano dell’uomo. Guai se in certi casi non fosse cos?, non esisterebbe l’aeroporto su cui si poggia l’aereo che mi […]

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Today we are aware that, getting off the tree, getting off the tree house, we head again towards civilization, towards those places where nature has necessarily had to leave room to manpower. Yet, if not for civilization, the airport where the plane that allowed me to get here landed would not exist, nor would the […]

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“Treehouse”, qui mi sveglio, sulla mia prima casa sull’albero, Katia ? gi? uscita dal suo sacco a pelo e dalla zanzariera e scatta foto affacciata al parapetto. Sotto di lei 20 metri di tronco attorno al quale si annodano liane e rampicanti. Tutto intorno altri alberi altissimi, alcuni sgombri, altri con altre casette come la […]

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Tree house”, here I wake up, on my first tree house, Katia has already left her sleeping bed and mosquito net and takes photos leaning out on the parapet. Under her 20 meters of trunk rounded by lianas and climbing plants. All around other most high trees, some cleared, some with other little houses as […]

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Even though Bali is only a small provincial island in the country of Indonesia, the so called “Island of The Gods” can be easily separated from the rest of the universe. First and foremost it attracts travellers by its spirit, hospitable and easy going people with stunningly exotic culture. Furthermore, the Balinese nature tends to […]

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Il risveglio ? di nuovo nella stanza 409 del Champasak Palace… Quello che ? intercorso tra il tempio sulla montagna di Champasak ed il mio albergo a Pakse che ne porta lo stesso nome ? stato davvero un lungo e interminabile sogno. Un sogno cos? reale che svegliandomi penso di essere ancora cullato dalle acque […]

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Il Vat Phou Boat fu costruito all’inizio del secolo, doveva trasportare a valle il pregiatissimo “tek”, legname da costruzione e decoro, resistentissimo e raffinato, ma non era quello il suo destino, poich? il caso non esiste, era scritto che un giorno la barca non trasportasse ma si rivestisse di “tek”. Oggi appare come un luminoso […]

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Awakening is again in the room 409 of Champasak Palace. What happened between the temple on the mountain of Champasak and my hotel in Pakse named after has been a long and never-ending dream. Such a real dream that waking up I still think I’m being cuddled by the waters pushing Vat Phou Boat, whereas […]

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