So, you?re putting those Christmas lights up again. How exciting! But did you behave like a bad elf by leaving them switched on all night? If so, give yourself a little slap on the wrist. All it takes is the flick of a switch to save a huge amount of energy in your household. You can massively reduce your yearly personal power consumption by doing some very simple things. Cut out those red lights! Don?t leave TV?s and other appliances on stand-by as they are still gobbling up energy. Give your computer a break by switching off printers and scanners when you don?t need to use them. We all love our mobile phones but do we really have to keep those chargers going all night? Of course not. If a charger feels warm when it is plugged in without being attached to a device it is still converting energy. Unplugging is the way forward. And of course, one of the easiest and most obvious energy crimes is not turning off the light when you leave a room. Well OK, if your friend is still the room we?ll forgive you but just get into the habit of being a lite light user and you?ll immediately start saving energy. Once you?ve seen the light, remember to switch it off when you leave the room!