Are you getting Christmas cards at the office yet or did your granny just send you one, nice and early to make sure it got to you? (bless her). The UK can?t get enough of Christmas cards. A staggering 1.7 billion such cards are sent in Britain each year! That?s the equivalent of a giant forest of 200,000 trees. And the tragedy of it all is that millions of these cards end up in the trash once the January sales arrive – admit it – you?ve thrown them out too! Well, once the big feasting and indulgent drinking is over, make sure that your Christmas cards go to a better resting place than a bin. Reincarnate them by taking them to a Woodland Trust recycling point. Even better, buy recycled Christmas cards that give money back to less fortunate people who don?t even have the means to think about sending cards or celebrating holidays. Be a hero and make your own – no-one forgets that personal touch. Go on, look in the kitchen drawer and find that glitter and glue and let your creative side go crazy tonight!
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